Recovery Guide: Ankle/Foot

Reclaiming Ankle and Foot Function

Customized Ankle And Foot Recovery Guide

Unstable Foundations

We know how irritating foot and ankle pain is. It's almost impossible to get through the day without pain. Ankles and feet are foundations of movement so simple activities like standing, walking, climbing steps or balancing become problematic when pain is involved. Symptoms present in a variety of ways:

  • Foot/heel hypersensitivity
  • Sharp pain when walking
  • Frequent ankle sprains
  • Feeling of instability on uneven surfaces
  • Limping and painful walking

The main types of ankle pain



Ankle sprains are injuries of the ligaments that hold your ankle bones and joints together. Symptoms will vary from mild pain and weakness, swelling, bruising, to extreme cases where walking or weight bearing is not possible. Mild sprains improve over a few weeks however if may reoccur again if not properly treated. Severe sprains can take months to heal and may require surgery if not properly managed.



Repetitive stress on tendons will result in inflammation and injury known as tendinitis. Typically, tendinitis will occur due to improper shoe fitting, repetitive activity with minimal rest, or poor foot/ankle mechanics. Once the cause is identified and treated, the ankle is able to move better without stressing the tendons.

Achilles Injuries

Achilles Injuries

Similar to tendinitis, Achilles’ tendon injures are caused by repetitive overuse and improper loading mechanics of the foot and ankle. This tendon can become swollen and tender and sometime tear away from the heel. The ankles ability to absorb shock/force when landing from a jump is often the main contributing factor in most injuries.

Bone Spurs

Bone Spurs

Ankle spurs are typically the beginning stages of Achilles tendinitis and injury. Symptoms are swelling and point tenderness on the back to the heel that will sometimes result in spur formation and a noticeable “protrusion” on the back of the heel.



Ongoing irritation and Inflammation of the ankle joint may result in cartilage “wear and tear.” Ankle arthritis is characterized by stiffness and swelling that may be worse in the morning or evening. Once the joint is warmed up and stretched, symptoms typically improve however it is important to continue to stretch to prevent further tissue damage.

Ankle Bursitis

Ankle Bursitis

Ankle bursitis is a condition that affects the small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae which cushion the ankle bones, tendons and muscles. Bursitis occurs when bursae become inflamed. Bursitis can be caused by pressure on the ankle, poor fitting shoes, or medical issues.

A Step in the Right Direction

We have successfully treated hundreds of ankles and feet by gradually exposing it to the right stuff. Eliminate excess stress on the foot structures is important whether its recovering from surgery, sports injury, or tendon changes that occur over time.

Calm Tissues Down, Build em back up

Over the past 20 years, we have been able to provide our ankle patients with an individualized recovery plan by following a very simple formula: “Calm it down then build it back up”. This is done by following 4 progressive steps:



Avoid painful movements like walking or standing too long.
Don’t try to push through pain.
Apply over the counter ankle brace, compression sleeve, KT tape.



Try to find another way of moving with less pain. Widen your feet when squatting.
Don’t stay in one position longer than 20 minutes.
Gentle use massage stick to the upper thigh and calf.


Activate & Load

Try to straighten your knee repetitively.
Squeeze your upper thigh muscle above you knees for 30 seconds.
Take a 15 minute walk 2x day. 


Physical therapy

If symptoms persist for 2-3 weeks, consult with a physical therapist or medical professional.

Stepping Into Action

Your ankles and feet are masterpieces of design. They are meant to be loaded and weight bear. Ankle stability and strength with improve over a few weeks after following our proven step by step recovery strategies. After a few visits, you will gain confidence to squat lower, climb stairs, and even kneel with less pain. Hiking, jogging, and working out will soon be part of your weekly routine again.

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